How an Expat Experience can contribute to Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

We live in a fast-paced society where digitalization has also added a new phase to globalization. To meet the dynamic changes in society and to be successful, companies need employees who reflect and who understand their diverse client base and the world around them.

What is Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)?

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) defines diversity as “the collective mixture of differences and similarities that include, for example, individual and organizational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, backgrounds, preferences, and behaviours.”

Furthermore, the SHRM defines Inclusion as “the achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have equal access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization’s success.”

Coming articles will look at Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in the workplace and how an expat experience can bring valuable understanding and insight to employers and employees on D&I topics.

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