5th anniversary of Third Culture Professionals and 100 articles later


Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of Third Culture Professionals and its 100th article.  A double celebration and a very special date for me to share with you, my worldwide readers and page followers.

Over the last 5 years, I have had an immense pleasure in sharing with you articles on career development, job search, accompanying partners, expatriation, dual careers, cultural adaptability, international careers, professional communication skills...

The list is long, but the principal aim has remained the same and true to the initial objective, that is, providing professional advice and motivation during the job search process.

Each year brought a new milestone. The momentum of change and expansion intensifying as of last year.

In 2021, Third Culture Professionals expanded its audience to students who also need valuable advice for their studies and future career development.

This year, Third Culture Professionals also marked another milestone by setting up an official training and consultancy business based in Paris offering personalised Career Development and Business English services.

Throughout this year, Third Culture Professionals will continue to expand bringing to its readers and clients new value propositions and content.

Tomorrow, I will blow out the 5-year anniversary candles while thinking of you. Thank you for your continued trust in Third Culture Professionals.

Sharing with you an inspirational quote to start the weekend

 “Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”

Emily Dickinson

Copyright © 2022 www.thirdcultureprofessionals.com 

Photo: Pexels Cottonbro